position sensor

How Position Sensors Work

position sensorLinear position and distance measurement sensors generally use the principle of magnetorestriction. Besides absolute distance, it also measures speed and position precisely. The way these sensors work is that engineers attach this to a stationary location, which would measure the distance of a moving part from the attached point.

Some industries use multiple devices to increase precision and accuracy.

Stainless Steel is the Material of Choice

Manufacturers such as spectrasymbol.com like stainless steel housing for these devices because of its properties, one of which is pressure resistance, and manufacture them using non-contact techniques.

Sensors practice precision in terms of non-linearity, temperature coefficient and resolution, but engineers must also take care to account for electrical connection, current consumption and supply voltage.

The Actual Process

The device gains magnetoresistance using a thin strip as a resistive element, with the ends connected to create a sensor. A direct current will run through both sides as a stimulus. When there is no magnetic field made, then the side should have the same voltage.

Sometimes, there could be a small offset because of the manufacturing or metal tolerance. In this case, the sensing of positions is similar to the function of saturation modes.

Error Correction

In most position sensors, the common error is the temperature versus the material constant. This affects the sensitivity and the offset. For example, if the device uses a large temperature range, then engineers usually include a monitoring circuit for temperature for error-correction. The bandwidth of the bridge and its sensitivity should also be key specifications to consider for a quality device.

Many clients prefer sensing devices with all these specifications as all of them will help in giving accurate figures. Look for experienced manufacturers who can design and produce a device with your exact requirements. In most of these measuring devices, quality and design can make all the difference.