Search engine optimization — or SEO — is a process used by marketers in order to raise your company website’s rankings in organic search results. The higher the rankings, the more likely your company website attracts more traffic. And with more traffic, the higher the chances you have for prospects to purchase your products or avail your services.
The description above may seem simple enough, but according to a survey by a marketing agency, many small businesses lack a deep understanding of SEO. 5 per cent responded having no clue about SEO and its benefits.
Survey Breakdown
Going in depth with the survey, 42 per cent of the SMEs surveyed thought SEO involved only the addition of keywords to their website. 18 per cent thought SEO is solely about climbing higher in Google rankings. 15 per cent thought SEO made their website Google-friendly. 12 per cent thought about SEO only in terms of content in their websites. And there is the 5 per cent who did not know about SEO.
The 8 Per Cent
One important group in the survey is the 8 per cent who knew SEO meant all the other responses combined. It shows how many small businesses are able to harness the power and possibility of SEO. If you’re part of this group, then keep up the good work! On the other hand, if you belong to the 92 per cent who have minimal to no SEO knowledge, now is the time to learn.
Power of SEO
Today, SEO remains to be the primary driving force of web traffic. By adding SEO in your marketing, your company can generate more than half of your existing business leads.
You can learn how to integrate SEO to your business by yourself. My Search recommends, otherwise, working with a peer who is well adept with London’s SEO scene. Whatever strategy you may choose, SEO offers an opportunity to boost your revenue.