When you check all of your bills at the end of the month, you’ll notice that you are spending a lot of money on your energy bills. If you want to spend less on bills, you might need steps to upgrade your home. Several home improvements can greatly cut down on your energy spending. Here are some of them.
Change Your Lightbulbs
In one of the simplest things that you can do to save on energy costs, you can change out your old light bulbs. If you are not using LEDs yet, then you need to make the switch. LEDs consume up to 80 percent less energy. If you have multiple light bulbs at home, the more you change out, the more money you save. Additionally, they last much longer, which means that you don’t have to change them more frequently. This is another way in which LEDs can provide savings.
Installing Buffer Tanks
Adding a heavy-duty water buffer tank is a great way to help your home when it needs to conserve energy in heating or cooling. Buffer tanks hold heated or cold water at a certain temperature. When they are needed, instead of cooling or heating it again, you can directly access the water. This great for homes that have multiple occupants who take baths at different times of the day.
It can also help air conditioning units by having cold water ready to cycle in when cooling needs to be done. The great thing about these tanks is that they don’t need energy at all to run so you can keep cold and hot water at no extra cost.
Replace Your Manual Thermostat
If you ever forget to turn down the heat or return your temperature to a warmer level, then you probably ran your HVAC system for far too long. Besides that, estimating things by how you feel is not very accurate. A better and more efficient way to manage your house temperature is with a programmable thermostat. It will automatically detect the temperature and then activate and deactivate your HVAC system depending on the current temperature it detects. It saves you time, effort, and even money as your system only activates when you need it.
Proper Insulation is Key
Insulating the right parts of your home can be a big energy saver. Once installed, you don’t even need to power it up or turn it on. It will always be active. The great thing about it is that it works no matter what the temperature or season. During the summer, it keeps the heat out. In winter months, it keeps the heat in, while also stopping the cold from coming in. You have to install it in the right places though. This includes the exterior walls, your attic, and maybe even your pipes for added protection.
Initially, all these upgrades will cost you money. But they will greatly lower your energy bills. With the savings you get, these improvements will be able to pay for themselves. Once they are fully paid, all the extra savings you get from them can go to your bank account.