
Entering the Business of Moving Companies: What to Know

The US Department of Transportation defines a moving company as a business that handles a customer’s moving needs. The company must be registered with the DOT under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. FMCSA stresses that a moving company is different from a moving broker. A broker is a third-party agent that links a moving company from the customer.

Types of Moving Companies

Forbes lists the different types of moving companies. These types respond to the different needs of its customers. Whether it’s for residential or commercial purposes, there are movers ready to provide the services you need. Among the moving companies that you may need are:

  • Local — providing services for moving generally around a 50-mile radius, but these parameters can change depending on the moving company and the state you are located
  • International providing services for those who need to transport items outside the US
  • Specialty movers — some companies specialize in handling items that need utmost care, such as fine art pieces, expensive and fragile musical instruments, and wine collections.
  • Auto movers — providing international or long-distance moving services for automotive

Starting a moving company

The New Hampshire Department of Justice states that a moving company is under federal law. Hence, those who wish to start a moving company must follow the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. This law regulates the transaction between movers and consumers.

Aside from this, starting a moving company need not start big. For starters, you can focus on providing services for customers moving locally. Hence, a simple hanging crane scale, a small but spacious vehicle, and manpower will get you started with your moving business. To concretize your steps towards building your own business, here are the things you need to do:

Planning stage

Planning in any form of business is crucial. As you create a business plan, you inform yourself and answer questions that you may have about building the business. Planning also involves anticipating the future development of your business and how you will allocate your resources or capital.

Above all, your plan must include how you will compete against existing moving companies. Make sure to offer something new to entice customers to choose your moving company instead of others.


As stated earlier, moving companies operate under federal law. Hence, acquiring proper permits is crucial to gain authorization in transporting goods, especially if you are moving them from one state to another or internationally.



When moving and transporting items, a vehicle is your most important piece of equipment. If you’re planning to start small, a van will do. Then, once you gain profit, you can exchange it for a better, bigger truck. A truck with a moving body is ideal if you want to turn your business into a bigger one.

Aside from the vehicle, you must also allot some budget for other equipment such as ropes, furniture belts, and packing items to protect the materials you are moving. Having these basics will impress your customers and make them see you as a professional in the business.


Insurance is necessary for a moving company. It protects your cargo in case of damages and liability. Your vehicle must have insurance, too. Different states have specific requirements for cargo and vehicle insurance, so it’s best with the local authority in your area.

Developing a brand

As with any company, developing your brand is crucial, so your customers know what your business is about. A brand that stands out drives more sales. To develop your brand, create a great name and logo for your company; this is what you’ll put in your moving vehicle. As your vehicle moves from place to place, this provides great advertisement for your company.

Stay updated to the latest trends

No matter how small your business is, or if you intend to start a small, local moving company, having an online presence is still necessary. This is because nowadays, people search online first for all their needs.

A well-designed website will catch the attention of your prospective clients. On your website, clearly define the services you are offering. For best results, consult a professional web designer. Having a website that impresses shows your future clients that your business needs to be taken seriously.

Customers are a top priority

For any business, your top priority is customer satisfaction. By providing excellent services to a customer, you turn them into repeat clients. If they are satisfied, they may even refer your moving company to their friends and family. Word of mouth is a great, free advertisement for your start-up business.

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