If you are a business in the center of a tourism district such as Westminster, chances are, you won’t have such a big problem trying to increase customer visits or foot traffic to your shop. However, if you are in a place a tad bit far from the center, such as Greenwich, there is a higher chance of people seeing your web design instead of your storefront. With that in mind, here are some ways to increase customer visits to your store:
1. Ask for Referrals
In the world of marketing, word of mouth has always been one of the most efficient and trusted ways to drive brand awareness. Having someone mention to you a good coffee shop around the block or a good pet groomer in a nearby city is more likely to be influential than an advertisement on TV or a billboard on a highway. So when you get customers who seem to like your products and services, it will be beneficial to ask them to put in a good word for you. Befriend your patrons and return customers so that they will naturally gravitate toward telling their friends about your business. This small change can go a long way to driving new customers to your store.
2. Harness the Power of the Internet
While physical shops have geographical challenges in reaching out to customers, the Internet is boundless. You must supplement the efforts that you put into your shop with the efforts that you make to create brand awareness on the Internet. Social media networking is a critical way to drive foot traffic to your shop. Know which platform is appropriate for you and the type of business you own, as well as the kind of audience you target. Equally, it is vital to have a proper website to represent your business on the web. Make sure you have a web design that will capture your message both through the right choice of words and visuals.
3. Offer Unique Promotions
There is a saying, “If you build it, they will come.” This is also true when managing a shop. Offer unique promotions that will make your store stand out from the crowd. Make it a destination for people to go to specifically. These promotions might come in freebies, incentives, or products that only your store can offer. You can also think of other remarkable collaborations with different brands to expand your customer base and showcase what you and your product can do.
4. Ride the Trends
As a store owner, you must be sensitive to recent trends and know which of the current craze can apply to your business and then learn how to use it to make your products and services up-to-date. Think out of the box and be creative.
In the end, remember that foot traffic is vital to driving your sales upward, whatever industry you are in. Just follow these pointers to make more customers want to come to your store and check out what you can offer.