person getting an MRI scan

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan: What Is It And Why Is It Prescribed

Diagnostic examinations are essential in helping doctors land an accurate and fast diagnosis of an illness or a medical condition. There are many types of diagnostics tests, including those that study body fluids like blood or urine, and those that take images of the internal parts of the body, such as a CT scan or an MRI scan.

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is a painless procedure wherein a machine takes internal images of the body. MRI scans include a closed MRI or an open MRI. MRI scans take images of the body’s organs and structures using the magnetic resonance imaging technique. Here are facts about an MRI scan in London clinics.

What Is An MRI Scan?

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan uses a powerful magnetic field, a computer, and radio waves to produce detailed images of the internal organs and structures of the body. Its primary purpose is to help doctors diagnose an illness or monitor if a treatment is effective or not.

How Does An MRI Scan Work?

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan works by exploiting the nuclear alignment of various atoms inside the magnetic field to create accurate and clear images. In the machine, there are giant magnets that create the field around the body.

To get an image, the patient will enter a machine with large magnets. The patient should stay still during the entire procedure to get clear images. In some cases, contrast agents are injected in the body through intravenous route.

What Are The Purposes Of MRI Scans?

MRI scans are used to detect and determine problems in the body and show the exact location. They are usually utilised to detect tumours or cancers and determine where they’re located. The machine also determines its size.

The MRI scan is also used to determine if certain treatments are effective. For instance, a patient undergoing chemotherapy will need to have an MRI scan to see if the drugs work by shrinking the tumour. Doctors also use MRI scans to study the brain, some spinal cord abnormalities, soft tissues, organs, blood vessels, and joints.

Will It Take Long?

An MRI scan doesn’t take long, and you will not be required to stay in the hospital overnight. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the part of the body they need to check. In some cases, patients are given sedatives to make sure they’re relaxed during the procedure. The machine is enclosed, so people with claustrophobia or anxiety may need to be sedated. Some hospitals offer an open MRI, which is not enclosed, to patients with fears of being in an enclosed space.

Is An MRI Safe?

MRI doesn’t emit radiation, is non-invasive, and harmless. The machine works by combining radio waves and magnets to create images. Since the machine uses magnets, all metals and magnets are not allowed during the procedure. Patients with pacemakers, metal implants, cochlear implants, and intracranial aneurysm clips are not allowed to use the machine.

MRI scanners are crucial in the diagnosis of many diseases, especially to detect diseases such as cancer, aneurysms, brain bleeding, and abnormalities, among others. It’s important to talk with your doctor if you need an MRI scan.

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