Many of us live paycheck to paycheck. We pay the bills from this paycheck and wait for the next paycheck for the next month’s bills. Rarely do people actually have extra money lying around that they can lend to a friend who has been put to jail and needs to get bailed out. You may cash in from your credit card, but that will put you in a huge debt. Coming up with $100 to $500 for a misdemeanor isn’t that easy, but it is urgent since you don’t want your friend to stay in jail longer.
Bail Bond Service
A bail bond service company in Park City or other cities will serve as a guarantee bail. The bail bond agent or company pledges to the court that you will appear in court. They are liable for the appearance of the defendant in court. In exchange, you’ll typically pay 10% to 15% of the amount of the bail once you have the money. Sometimes, the bail bond agency will ask for collateral from the defendant.
Garage Sale
Hold a garage sale. You can come up with the money you need by selling stuff that you don’t need or use. An oven toaster, for example, can be sold for $10 to $20. A coffeemaker that you haven’t really used can fetch more than $35. By the end of the day, you might have a couple of hundreds collected for the bail money that you need. That’s a good start.
Online Selling
Sell stuff online. Post items that haven’t been sold during the garage sale online. You have a better chance of getting rid of these things on the web. Make sure to promote the post and use the proper hashtag so that people can find them. Share them on social media, too, so that your network of friends and family can reshare the post.
Local Consignment Shop
A local consignment shop will collect items from individuals and put them up for sale. They make money by charging a fee for every item that will be sold. But this might take a long time since you’d have to wait for a buyer. If you have a luxury bag that you want to sell, a consignment shop is the best place for it. They already have a clientele that will be interested in their items.
Emergency Fund
If you have an emergency fund, this is a good time to dip your hands into it. Hopefully, there won’t be another emergency in the near future. If you have exhausted all means to raise the money you need, bailing out a friend constitutes an emergency, doesn’t it? Just make sure that you’ll get your money back from your friend in time.
Do you have recyclable items lying around? Bring them to a recycling or collection center. They usually pay a small amount for every pound of recyclable items that you carry. Although it is a small way to raise the funds you need, it will still help complete the amount to bail out your friend.
You are a good friend for going out of your way to raising the funds you need. These are surefire ways you can get a certain amount of money for the bail fee. But if your friend has gotten into more than a misdemeanor charge, that will cost tens of thousands of dollars.