Spacious newly made basement

Handy Tips to Improve your Basement

If you want extra space in your house, then consider using and improving your basement. You can convert a dull and empty basement into a living area.

Here are four things you can do.

1. Remove all junks from your basement

Before doing anything or inviting experts to your basement, you first need to clean it out and get rid of all the stuff and junks in it. Remove the trash, bins, appliances, and boxes before you get started.

2. Run a moisture test

Spacious empty basement

It’s important to conduct a moisture test to determine if your basement is waterproof before you do remodeling. Note that sneaky leaks can ruin your basement renovations and can put all your efforts to waste.

If there are leaks, the first thing you need to do is identify the primary source of moisture and repair it. It is best to consult a dry basement expert or a remodeler to address the issue.

Also, even if you don’t have leak problems, it’s smart to add a coat of waterproofing membrane to the exterior cement walls before moving forward. Doing so will avoid any issues with leaks and moisture in the future.

3. Check for building codes for basement

Research about local building permits in your location and apply for it when you start to work in your basement. Check the rules for the appropriate number of exits and ceiling heights required for the basement.

Most states require basements to have basement windows or egress windows that will let light and fresh air in and enable people to escape in case of an emergency. So, you also need to include a window well in your basement. And for security, you need to have your window wells or basement windows covered. For that, we recommend the window well covers Colorado to handle the job for you.

4. Finish the basement

Spacious empty basement with laundry

When finishing the basement, you have to do finishing touches to the walls, floors, and the basement ceiling.

Finished basement walls will make the entire space look complete, warm, and inviting most, especially if you already added insulation and the drywall is already painted.

After finishing the basement walls, its time for the basement floors. For the flooring, we recommend using waterproof materials to prevent potential damage from unavoidable floods or leaks that may occur in the basement. Note that your basement will require different flooring because it is more prone to flood and water. The best thing to do is to go for water-resistant and waterproof flooring.

For your basement to be finished, you need to hide the pipes, wires, and vents that are visible on the ceiling of the basement. But you need to make sure you can still easily access them when necessary. If you feel like the ceiling of the basement is a little low, installing drywall or painting, it will help save more space instead of putting a drop-ceiling.

What to Do with An Already Finished Basement

Now that you already finished transforming your basement. You can now decide what you’ll use it for. You can use it as another living area, bedroom, art studio, or more. You can put area rugs to warm up the cold basement. For the walls, you can go for solid colors, or you can also get a mural to brighten up your basement.

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